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Friday, April 16, 2010

A Happy Day.....

It is already 14975 days now; one was born in the soulful environment of Narsinh Mehta’s Junagadh. M blessed to have born in a family having “વૈષ્ણવજન તો તેને રે કહીયે, જે પીડ પરાઈ જાણે રે..” not as an ethic, but as a whole blood and as a heart beat….

Statistically 491 months, 3, 59,400 hours, and God’s grace, still counting on……….

1,94,07,60,000 heart beats till now, and most of them are with the whole emotions…..

Few thoughts have transformed and given more dimensions to look at life……..

I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value……

Past Performance can not predict future success……..

Things never happen the way we want……

Accept the things the way it comes…….

The best way to predict the future is to invent it…..

As long as you can’t imagine it,

As long as you can’t see it,

It is not going to happen for you…..

I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep…….

A Champion is one, who gets up, when he can’t……..

It is a Big Day for me, which comes every year, and prays God to bless, living it forever……One is thankful, warmly…emotionally…… all who have helped me to……

I don't want to save the world.

I don't even want to change the world.

My ambitions aren't nearly that high, although maybe they should be.

What I do want to do is make a difference......

Screening of Special Films

15th April proved to be a unique day....had all rare things which were hardly there in one's life thus far.......the most important was a Screening of a Movie "The Song of Sparrows" by Majid Majidi, this was an Iranian film, screening courtesy of Sunset Boulevard Film Society.

The film had a simple story, but the making of the movie was a great touch. Apart from the technical excellence, living the role and the director's touch to every single emotion of a family was touchy.

Worth getting along with these people for having great films round the Great work by Shiladitya and his team......they deserve the highest degree of congratulations.......

Look forward to more happenings in the year to come.....

Warm Wishes for the weekend ahead....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why a Blog....

Why a came just as a click, as one wishes to express very often, and one doesn't find the receptors near by, many often.....

One believes, this expression will help synchronize the flashing thoughts, round-the-clock....

One dimension of...."why blog ???......"

એક ઘેરો રંગ છે મારી ભીતર,
મૌન છે પણ તંગ છે મારી ભીતર.

હોઠ ખૂલવાનું નહીં શીખ્યાં કદી ,
જીભ પણ બેઢંગ છે મારી ભીતર.

લોહીમાં સૂરજ કદી ઉગ્યાં નહીં,
જો, નિશા અડબંગ છે મારી ભીતર.

ટુકડે-ટુકડા થઈ ગયો તો પણ જીવું,
આયનાઓ દંગ છે મારી ભીતર.

બેઉ પક્ષે હું જ કપાઉં, કેવું યુદ્ધ
મન-હૃદયની સંગ છે મારી ભીતર!

શું કરૂં તારી અઢાર અક્ષૌહિણી ?
તું નથી એજ જંગ છે મારી ભીતર.

હું નવી દુનિયામાં જન્મેલી ગઝલ,
કાફિયા સૌ તંગ છે મારી ભીતર.

શ્વાસ નશ્વર, થઈ ગયાં ઈશ્વર હવે,
શબ્દનો સત્સંગ છે મારી ભીતર.

- વિવેક મનહર ટેલર

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


i have been observing the students from various age groups, starting from primary education to post graduation. Most of them are found very sharp in their approach to the normal routine of life. But when it comes to the decision of "life", they are found bit confused or found depending upon some circumstances. One has found the following major points of concern....

1. The Motive behind the decision, non general topics, are not clear.
2. The decision is normally driven by only one force, current affairs and surrounding. One has not seen them evaluating the pros-cons from their own perception of life.
3. As the "life" is always a "????", seen very few focussed and self driven or self starters.....

This can be elaborated more dynamically, but the intricacies of the subject is so vast, that discussing solutions are more realistic......

Self is thinking of starting a formal talk session, within the residential area. This sessions will be for the two specific age groups......10-14 years and 15-18 the experienced people, who can talk to children in their language, will be invited to share their inputs from their professional and personal career experience........there will be practical aspects of the subjects children learn at school.

Look forward to have more views on this.........

Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire. --W.B. Yeats